
Canada MNT vs Dominica


Canada hosted Dominica in the second leg of the home-and-away series on June 16 at Toronto's BMO field. In their previous encounter on June 11 in Dominica, Canada took control of the series with a 2-0 victory.

Now back on home soil, it did not take Canada long to extend their advantage as the first goal from Tesho Akendele came in the 4th minute. Despite their quickness, Dominica had difficulty maintaining control of the ball against a better composed Canadian side. Cy...le Larin scored his 3rd goal in 3 consecutive games in the 41st minute to double Canada's lead.

The second half saw Canada continue to dominate the game and was rewarded with two more goals, both scored by Tosaint Ricketts to increase his international goal count to 10.

With the 4-0 victory and 6-0 aggregate score, Canada advances to the third round of the CONCACAF regional qualifiers for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The third round, another home and away series will be played later this summer between August 31 and September 8. The official draw on July 25 will determine Canada's next opponent.


Originally published June 18, 2015